  • Jiangxi Yuanshun Mining Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd 亿矿通 企业资质已上传
  • Wang Weiwei 18653763371
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Jiangxi Yuanshun Mining Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Jiangxi Yuanshun Mining Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the production of mining equipment series products. Our company is a modern enterprise integrating scientific research, production and sales. Our company covers an area of more than square meters. There are more than employees in the technical department, including senior engineers, engineers, assistant engineers. Our company has many years of experience in the development and design of mining equipment The inspection and production department is engaged in the design and improvement of manufacturing process, and professional managers constantly improve and improve the management level of the company. The company has established a quality management system from procurement, production and sales. The advanced productivity is an important foundation for the company to be invincible. The company has a variety of horizontal lathe vertical lathe drilling machine milling machine boring machine grinding machine and a variety of inspection and testing platform and other equipment to ensure the product manufacturing process and All products of the company with quality up to the standard have obtained the national coal mine safety mark. It is one of the mining equipment manufacturers in central and South China who keeps innovating and developing together with customers. Our tenet is to take the lead in promoting the winch dispatching winch scraper loader products in the market in recent years. With new structure and new materials, the products have true workmanship, fine performance, strong quality and excellent service, timely and thoughtful in the customers and the same industry Our products are exported to Heilongjiang, Xinjiang, Shandong, Henan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other provinces and cities. We have set up many sales offices and after-sales service centers all over the country. We have a perfect quality service system. You will be able to select the required specifications and models from our wide range of products. In the spirit of excellent innovation, enterprising and efficient enterprise, we will continue to innovate Our products are affordable, our prices are excellent, our quality is excellent, our market and customers are growing and developing together. Lets join hands and heart to heart
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