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  • Purchasers are rich in resources and have the opportunity to make orders every day
  • High exposure customers at any time
  • Owning enterprise station and establishing brand image business is not restricted by Region

Your costs

  • Less than one minute to register
account information
*Login name:
*Confirm password:
contact information
*Contact name:
*cell-phone number:
*Verification Code:
*SMS verification code:
Company information
*corporate name:

Please make sure that the company name on the business license is identical

Business License Registration No:

It is not required to fill in. If filling in, please fill in 15 business license registration numbers or 18 unified social credit codes

*Is the combination of three certificates:

Please upload the color business license with the latest annual inspection and within the validity period(Black and white will not pass

*Main products or services:


Fill in at least one of your main products or services (no more than 50 words)

*Company profile:
Change a company profile template


Please introduce company profile, products, brands, advantages and other contents in Chinese (20-1200 words)

Fill it out for me
*Shop website:


It is composed of 6-20 digits of numbers or letters (not including punctuation marks and special symbols). Once set, it cannot be modified


Information related to drugs, medical devices, health food and commercial services is not suitable to be published on this website;

Information related to food, cosmetics, logistics and ticketing must be provided with corresponding qualification documents before passing the audit.