KFU0.75-6 tipping bucket mining car product features, KFU0.75-6 tipping bucket mining car

KFU0.75-6 tipping bucket mining car

KFU0.75-6 tipping bucket mining car


Order quantity

  • 1 - 9tower

  • ≥10tower

131-7679-2769 13176792769
  • place of delivery山东
  • period for dispatch7
  • Total supply volume 10000
  • 身份验证|
  • 注册资本|3000000
  • 企业类型|Other limited liability company
  • 主营产品|
  • 公司地址|Confucius Business City
本页信息为 Shandong Mingshun Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd"KFU0.75-6 tipping bucket mining car product features, KFU0.75-6 tipping bucket mining car "产品信息,如您想了解更多 请联系厂家,或给厂家留言。
Products 更新时间 :2020-04-01
Model specifications
The KFU0.75-6 tipping bucket mining car consists of a car body, frame, wheelset Φ Composed of 40mm connecting pins, etc. Widely used in mining industries such as coal mines, gold mines, iron mines, gypsum mines, etc. On mining or construction sites, it is used to transport crushed block materials, such as ore, coal, stones, etc.
Features of KFU0.75-6 tipping bucket mining truck products
1. The structure is simple, sturdy and durable, and materials can be easily removed by manually opening the stop plate.
2. Relatively speaking, the degree of automation is very high, and the axle adopts roller bearings, effectively reducing running resistance, so it can be pulled or pushed by locomotives or manpower.
3. Without the need for any auxiliary facilities, it can automatically flip left and right, making it flexible and lightweight to use.
KFU0.75-6 tipping bucket mining car structure and working principle
The KFU0.75-6 tipping bucket mining car consists of a car body, frame, wheelset Φ Composed of 40mm connecting pins, etc.
1. Car body: composed of welded box panels, end covers, and edge angle steel.
2. Frame: composed of welded channel steel, angle steel, bumpers, axle clamps, etc.
3. Wheelset: composed of wheels, axles, bearings, etc.
4. Connection pin: by Φ 40mm high-quality carbon bonded elemental steel, composed of handheld ring welding.
This dump truck does not require any auxiliary facilities and can automatically flip left and right, making it flexible and lightweight.
Technical characteristics of KFU0.75-6 tipping bucket mining car
1. K: represents coal mine vehicles;
2. F: Refers to a tipping bucket mining car;
3. U: represents the shape of the vehicle's trunk;
4. 0.75: indicates that the volume of the vehicle is 0.75m3;
5. 6: Indicates that the gauge used by the vehicle is 600mm.

Supplier Information
address Confucius Business City Unified Social Credit Code
organization code registered capital 3000000
business term 1970-01-01 Business status
company type Other limited liability company establish date 640827-10-21
legal representative Zheng Tao register authority
business scope Production and sales of mining machinery
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Shandong Mingshun Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Confucius Business City
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